in case you may have omitted one of the featured games of Angry Birds-Rovio and
McDonald’s collaboration program, I will briefly introduce the main content it includes.
Angry Bird toys fans may also have
around October, 2012, this game is called Angry Birds McDonald’s. Through the
website mcd.angrybirds.com, you can play this which requires a flash. In the
game, there are eight levels. Two teasers, three McDonalds’, and three Mooncake
levels are included. You must have been to McDonalds’ thousands of times and
have been familiar with the food. It may out of your expectation that the food
would appear in the game in each level. How funny it is. For the level
Mooncakes, red lanterns will appear which worth 2000 points for each. More
playable characteristics are waiting for you to discover.